Sunday, November 2, 2008


that is a GREAT word--- ELECTRICITY

got up Sunday morning--today-- began breakfast, started a load of laundry, had the tv on, little people all about. and ZAP the lights went in Wilsonville. NO electricity. i checked the breaker looks good to me. called Mitch--- several (10) times. he would answer but did not have good service. called Magnolia electric-- not showing an outage in your area---GREAT-- it's just me, but will get some out to check--thank you. Mitch came home because-- of the lack of service to check on us-- how sweet. still NO LIGHTS. Everyone else has lights. did you check the breakers--- i reply yes.. so Mitch, Donald and Bruce look around. everything looks good start checking the maim switches--- to make a long story short--- we have more than one breaker box and it is important to check them ALL!!! after about hour of no lights. we had lights the entire time. Apparently i tripped the breaker with everything kicking on at once. called Magnolia Electric back-- sorry but we fixed the problem, man replied i have a truck on the way will call the truck back--- i replied 'i'm sorry, didn't know that we 2 breaker boxes"

we missed church--- which isn't good. but you know what????
I HAVE ELECTRICITY!!! and i'm very greatful for it

i have a great lunch cooked. little people are playing--and being sweet. have some of the baby clothes washed and put up and even packed some of his bag.

so i've gotten some things done---just didn't make church this mornin. the devil one the battle but will be at church tonight and WE win the WAR. so all is good in WILSONVILLE--- again


1 comment:

Jill McCormick said...

Don't you hate it when that happens! I don't know if you read my post on the Dyer going out, but I felt the same way, old dryer breaks, went to get a NEW dryer and it doesn't work, took it back and got old dryer fixed! Thank God! It is all good...even in a time of frustration!Hope you have a good week =)